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- Date: Thu, 30 Dec 93 13:59:49 PST
- From: Info-Hams Mailing List and Newsgroup <info-hams@ucsd.edu>
- Errors-To: Info-Hams-Errors@UCSD.Edu
- Reply-To: Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu
- Precedence: Bulk
- Subject: Info-Hams Digest V93 #1524
- To: Info-Hams
- Info-Hams Digest Thu, 30 Dec 93 Volume 93 : Issue 1524
- Today's Topics:
- Anyone here familiar with extended-play recorders?
- Info sought on FT480 2m All-mode
- Need help with the numbers in Morse
- Ramsey kits not too good? (3 msgs)
- Repeater database?
- RFI into telephones
- UK scanner & Cops
- UK scanner listeners arrested; called
- UK scanner listeners arrested; called "hams"
- Send Replies or notes for publication to: <Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu>
- Send subscription requests to: <Info-Hams-REQUEST@UCSD.Edu>
- Problems you can't solve otherwise to brian@ucsd.edu.
- Archives of past issues of the Info-Hams Digest are available
- (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/info-hams".
- We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text
- herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official
- policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 29 DEC 93 00:12:17 EST
- From: elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!news.tamu.edu!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!noc.near.net!news.delphi.com!usenet@ames.arpa
- Subject: Anyone here familiar with extended-play recorders?
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- I saw an ad for Viking International, 150 Executive Park Blvd #4600,
- SF CA 94134, PH 415-468-2066, FX 415 468 2067, they say, 10 Hr recorder $159.
- Now, note that I know nothing more than what the ad sez, have not usedone
- nor contacted them yet, so am not suitability for your exact purpose, but
- thought I would be remiss by not mentioning it.
- de n6WR
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 30 Dec 1993 20:07:56 GMT
- From: galaxy.ucr.edu!library.ucla.edu!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!darwin.sura.net!ra!joe@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: CW WAIVERS
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- >
- >>I recognize it as a nearly obsolete mode that is primarily still alive
- >>for sentimental reasons.
- >
- I have given this a great deal of thought and have formed the following opinion.
- The original purpose of Ham Radio was to provide a cadre of experienced
- radio operators to be available in times of local and/or national emergencies.
- I can envision times and situations where some crude form of code (morse)
- would be the only mode available. For this reason alone code should be a
- requirement.
- Another purpose was to promote innovation and experimentation. To forever
- write off any idea (or mode of operation) is to lose a thread that may
- someday lead
- to greater things.
- Third is enjoyment. I don't know if enjoyement is can really be considered a
- purpose but it certaily is a reason. You shouldn't force someone to enjoy a
- certain thing simply because you do, however. One against the code requirement.
- A fourth reason, though not one you here about very much today, is to preserve
- the history of radio. In this morse code most definitely has a place.
- There you have it 3 against 4 for code being an important part of ham radio.
- I believe important parts should be requirements. I realize that in America
- today everything is right given at birth but I believe that no
- accomplishment has meaning if it did not require EFFORT. Ham radio has grown
- in NUMBERS as a
- result of the no code license but how about QUALITY ?
- Joe Gregor, WA3WRN
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 29 DEC 93 12:50:10 EST
- From: sdd.hp.com!usc!howland.reston.ans.net!usenet.ins.cwru.edu!eff!news.kei.com!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!noc.near.net!news.delphi.com!usenet@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: Info sought on FT480 2m All-mode
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- Harry, welcome to "the gentlemen's part of 2 meters"! No repeaters to time out
- or clubs to join. "Just you, me, and the FCC".
- Back to the yaesu...the price seems about right. The construction seemed solid
- one one that I helped a friend work on. Typically, that vintage was fine for
- stand alone, but weak with regard to special FM type scannine and PL features.
- I know that for the price difference, I can live without them.
- For practical means, the receivers are quite usable. Today's rigs have higher
- dynamic range, and a lower noise figure, but a good GaAs FET preamp will give
- you a sensitive reciever, and unless you are near a big gun, then dynamic range
- might be acceptable.
- Bottom line.....I think it would be good for starters. I personally use an
- HF rig with transverters, but I started with an Icom IC-260A in the same vintage
- and it had it's shortcomings too.
- Best 73, and will look for you "on the bottom of the band"...Woody AK2F
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 29 DEC 93 23:47:59 EST
- From: agate!library.ucla.edu!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!paladin.american.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!noc.near.net!news.delphi.com!usenet@ames.arpa
- Subject: Need help with the numbers in Morse
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- This may sound dumb, but it worked for me. When those numbers blazed past,
- I snagged the back part as in....."Whew, what was all that going by?"
- Well, if three dits at the end......it must be a "7" "a freight train
- of stuff just went by!" with one dit at the end...it must be a "9".
- The same approach works for the 1-5 except with dahs.
- de N6WR
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 30 Dec 1993 15:58:38 GMT
- From: newsgate.watson.ibm.com!watnews.watson.ibm.com!yktnews.watson.ibm.com!rs47445!xzs1947@uunet.uu.net
- Subject: Ramsey kits not too good?
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- > I don't think I will get anymore Ramsey kits, performance and quality
- > to me isn't good enough. The TNC kit should be designed to work under
- > a wide variation of audio quality, not be excessively fussy.
- It never cease to amaze me how Ramsey continues to thrive. I guess
- there are a lot of masochists. I have never seen a Ramsey kit that
- was worth 10% of its' price.
- gilbaronw0mn@delphi.com email here only
- "Bailar es vivir"
- ------------------------------
- Date: 30 Dec 93 18:06:20 GMT
- From: galaxy.ucr.edu!library.ucla.edu!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!howland.reston.ans.net!cs.utexas.edu!convex!convex.com!horak@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: Ramsey kits not too good?
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In <1993Dec30.155838.21384@rchland.ibm.com> xzs1947@rchland.vnet.ibm.com (Gilbert Baron) writes:
- >> I don't think I will get anymore Ramsey kits, performance and quality
- >> to me isn't good enough. The TNC kit should be designed to work under
- >> a wide variation of audio quality, not be excessively fussy.
- >It never cease to amaze me how Ramsey continues to thrive. I guess
- >there are a lot of masochists. I have never seen a Ramsey kit that
- >was worth 10% of its' price.
- I bought the speech scrambler/descrambler and had to change one part
- value, add another part, drill two holes in the case and enlarge one
- hole for the clarifier pot access. I also added a switch. Now, it
- works. From my experience and from what I've heard, some of Ramsey's
- kits are real junk.
- David
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 30 Dec 93 15:01:29 GMT
- From: netcon!bongo!skyld!jangus@locus.ucla.edu
- Subject: Ramsey kits not too good?
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- Gee, it never fails to amaze me.
- "Why doesn't this kit I paid $15.00 for not perform like the
- $400.00 thing I should have bought instead?"
- Ask a repair shop to show you the innards of a hand held and
- then see if there is only 2 ics and a dozen parts in there.
- Look inside a KAM or PK-232 and count the parts.
- Even the commercially assembled BAYCOM modems by TigerTronics
- at least have quality parts, pc boards and were soldered properly.
- Ramsey Kits (and others) are for the entertainment value of playing
- with something on the bench. They are NOT a substitue/alternative to
- paying for a quality item that works properly.
- Yeah, I can hear the old farts now, "What about HeathKit?" I bought them
- and built them myself. They worked. Some of them worked pretty good. None
- of them was a direct replacement for a expensive commercial product.
- If you're buying a Ramsey kit to play with, fine. Beats hacking around
- inside an expensive radio. If you're buying a kit to substitute for an
- expensive radio, you get what you pay for.
- Amateur: WA6FWI@WA6FWI.#SOCA.CA.USA.NA | "It is difficult to imagine our
- Internet: jangus@skyld.tele.com | universe run by a single omni-
- US Mail: PO Box 4425 Carson, CA 90749 | potent god. I see it more as a
- Phone: 1 (310) 324-6080 | badly run corporation."
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 30 Dec 1993 16:17:51 GMT
- From: swrinde!emory!kd4nc!ke4zv!gary@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: Repeater database?
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In article <CItx4A.JzB@iat.holonet.net> bwilkins@iat.holonet.net (Bob Wilkins n6fri) writes:
- >mkb@cs.cmu.edu (Mike Blackwell) after my editing writes:
- >:
- >: Suppose I write a geographical database with a really whizzy graphical
- >: front end, searching and planning capabilities, made to run on a
- >: laptop or PDA. It includes the ARRL repeater directory database. Just
- >: what I want while travelling,
- >
- >You don't propose any thing different than already exists...in the paper
- >edition. Lets make this a new and real product.
- >
- >I really don't care where the repeater is located...I want to know the
- >geographic areas that I can reliably communicate either on my
- >handy-scratchy or my 30 watt mobile. Sinse you are offering a graphic
- >interface you could show coverage maps of repeaters overlaid on a good
- >highway map. An interface to gps could enhance your product. How about a
- >descripter file of the type of use , times of local nets and news broadcasts.
- The coverage data could be really hard to obtain. Most repeater trustees
- don't have an accurate mapping of their grade A and B coverage zones.
- And theoretical calculations are, at best, only a crude approximation.
- It should be possible to calibrate the S meter readings of a radio
- and log them to a laptop, along with GPS information, in order to
- generate real coverage maps. I bet you could sell this to repeater
- groups as a product. In fact, since I just got the GPS working in
- the truck, and I have an A/D interface board that works on a parallel
- port, I think I may give this a try as soon as I get a new laptop.
- Of course the data would only map the repeater transmitter coverage,
- and that's rarely reciprocal with it's receive coverage. But a fudge
- factor for each repeater to allow for different repeater duplexer and
- receiver characteristics could fix that.
- >Your listing of the 250 repeaters in the San Francisco Bay Area is
- >meaningless if it just reflects what is in the ARRL Directory. Many of the
- >local repeaters are listed as closed but are in fact quite open to the
- >travelling amateur. Some repeaters are low level 25 mile coverage machines
- >that can be quite popular. Other repeaters are high level 150 mile
- >repeaters that have no usage at all. I have seen repeaters go from vary
- >active to next to nothing in a matter of months. In essence we do not have
- >the user base to support 250 repeaters in this area.
- >
- >When ever I travel I scan the bands for activity and key words so I know
- >that I can add something to the discussion. Maybe you could add the voice
- >recognician feature as well as the active scan feature to your interface.
- >
- >With out the added features I think your product would only appeal to
- >statistitions and wanabe repeater coordinators...certainly not to any of
- >us that want to find a good QSO on the bands or make an emergency call.
- I think you may be asking a bit much, Bob. :-)
- A directory can limit the number of channels we need to scan, but as
- you note, activity can change so rapidly that other information will
- have to be gleaned by actually listening to the repeater. A listing
- of CTCSS frequencies, general interest groups on the machine, availability
- of patches, etc would be of interest, but hard to keep up to date. I'd
- be delighted just to get some hard coverage data on a map display.
- Gary
- --
- Gary Coffman KE4ZV | You make it, | gatech!wa4mei!ke4zv!gary
- Destructive Testing Systems | we break it. | uunet!rsiatl!ke4zv!gary
- 534 Shannon Way | Guaranteed! | emory!kd4nc!ke4zv!gary
- Lawrenceville, GA 30244 | |
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 29 DEC 93 12:53:29 EST
- From: mvb.saic.com!unogate!news.service.uci.edu!usc!howland.reston.ans.net!usenet.ins.cwru.edu!eff!news.kei.com!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!noc.near.net!news.delphi.com!usenet@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: RFI into telephones
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- You might also want to try some .001 uF bypass capacitor on the telephone
- microphone, earpeice, and possibly at any diodes if it has the tip/ring
- reverse polarity bridge. 73...Woody AK2F
- ------------------------------
- Date: 30 Dec 93 09:06:02 EDT
- From: caen!malgudi.oar.net!mercury.wright.edu!desire.wright.edu!matrix.cs.wright.edu!isoper@uunet.uu.net
- Subject: UK scanner & Cops
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- > Well I have recently heard news accounts where federal agents sent announcements
- > in the mail to the last known addresses of a list of criminals saying,
- > "Congradulations, you are the lucky winner in our drawing..." A whole swarm
- > of these guys showed up, produced ID, and were immediately handcuffed.
- >
- > There is something in all this that really bothers me about a system that
- > would allow it's police force, those we hire to enforce laws dealing with
- > honesty, to lie, to commit fraud, to do what ever beyond the law, in order
- > to catch criminals, or even to pursuade people to commit a crime so that
- > they can be arrested.
- >
- > --David C. Adams
- >
- The problem I have with you argument in the case cited above is 1. the people
- targeted in the sting were those who by deceit concealed their where abouts to
- the courts. 2. The courts issued legal affidavits ordering these people to be
- located, and arrested by any authorized law enforcement officer. 3. If the
- law enforcement officers call upon the residence listed on the court document
- the people with whom the person named on the warrant will conceal the wanted
- person presences to avoid capture (read this as aiding/abeting a criminal to
- escape from justice). 4. No crime was commited by the law enforcement officers
- operating the sting as they did not force a person by use of physical threat
- to show up at the sting (the criminals made decision to be greedy, ie: obtain
- a product either by chance or pick it up in person for personal gain rather
- than coerion).
- If you have a better idea that would locate criminals wanted by warrant, or in
- act of commiting a crime (ie: fencing stolen property, etc.) by deceit without
- employing the same methods, I am certain the law enforcement community would
- be glad to listen. However, if what you are stating is based upon the "Monday
- Night Quarterback" syndrome then go out and join your local police dept as
- an Auxiliary Police Officer to see what being a cop is about. I do not agree
- with what happened in Britian over the scanner users arrests but, however I
- would rather see a Charles Manson type caught by deceit than have him on the
- streets atlarge killing people.
- 73, Wes
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 30 Dec 1993 18:53:04 GMT
- From: galaxy.ucr.edu!library.ucla.edu!agate!howland.reston.ans.net!gatech!news-feed-1.peachnet.edu!ukma!rsg1.er.usgs.gov!dgg.cr.usgs.gov!bodoh@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: UK scanner listeners arrested; called
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In article <1993Dec29.131133.17917@hemlock.cray.com>, dadams@cray.com (David Adams) writes:
- |> Well I have recently heard news accounts where federal agents sent announcements
- |> in the mail to the last known addresses of a list of criminals saying,
- |> "Congradulations, you are the lucky winner in our drawing..." A whole swarm
- |> of these guys showed up, produced ID, and were immediately handcuffed.
- |>
- |> There is something in all this that really bothers me about a system that
- |> would allow it's police force, those we hire to enforce laws dealing with
- |> honesty, to lie, to commit fraud, to do what ever beyond the law, in order
- |> to catch criminals, or even to pursuade people to commit a crime so that
- |> they can be arrested.
- I see a clear difference between enticing an unknown criminal to turn
- themselves in for a crime which is proven by the act of showing up someplace
- (as in the UK incident) and getting evasive known criminals (for which there
- are warrants) to turn themselves in. What the US cops have been doing is
- creatively capturing known and wanted criminals who have been evading
- arrest in such a way that there is less liklihood of someone being shot. I
- suppose it ticks criminals off, but I am all for it since it reduces the
- danger to the criminal, the police and the public - and it is effective...
- --
- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- + Tom Bodoh - Sr. systems software engineer, Hughes STX, N0YGT +
- + USGS/EROS Data Center, Sioux Falls, SD, USA 57198 (605) 594-6830 +
- + Internet; bodoh@dgg.cr.usgs.gov ( +
- + "Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends!" EL&P +
- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 30 Dec 93 02:38:30 EST
- From: library.ucla.edu!agate!spool.mu.edu!nigel.msen.com!ilium!sycom!p-cove!wolfman@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: UK scanner listeners arrested; called "hams"
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- slm@world.std.com (slm) writes:
- >
- > I read the following "Guardian" report, via Reuters news service, and was rat
- > irked. I would imagine that all the folks involved in this were
- > NOT necessarily ham-radio operators :-(
- > ......<deleted text>.......
- > necessary steps to crack down on it,'' one officer in South
- > Yorkshire, a northern English county, was quoted as saying.
- Now this was obviously NOT ham radio operators... Something has to be
- done to let these "stuipid" people know what the difference is between
- hams and other people.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- wolfman@p-cove.uucp (Aaron Smith KB8PFZ)
- System Operator of Pirate's Cove.
- +1-810-982-7545, Port Huron, Mi
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 30 Dec 1993 18:17:31 GMT
- From: sgiblab!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!math.ohio-state.edu!magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu!cis.ohio-state.edu!mstar!n8emr!yaub!gws@ames.arpa
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- References <CIsrIL.Kz6@sugar.NeoSoft.COM>, <1993Dec29.171920.21048@ke4zv.atl.ga.us>, <1993Dec30.032337.1582@osuunx.ucc.okstate.edu>star
- Subject : Re: Repeater database?
- >Do we really need the data from the cordinaters? If each of us would send in
- >the repeaters in his own area in a standard format using grid squares for
- >location should be close enough for this project, it would make a data base
- >in short order. We could also include other freqauencies of interest and it
- >would be a pretty neat deal. Just submit a list of grid square you intend to
- >pass through and it will give you back a list of frequencies in the order
- >of the grid squares you sent.
- Forget the grid squares crap. Pretty useless for most people. If I am
- VHF dxing then grids are fine, but a repeater directory is most
- likley going to be used by traveling hams. The current ARRL directory
- in many states is worthless. Take ohio's entrys. They are listed by
- county. How in the world is a traveler suppose to know what county
- he is in. List by major citys are much more informative.
- --
- Gary W. Sanders gws@n8emr.cmhnet.org, 72277,1325
- N8EMR @ N8JYV (ip addr) [Ohio AMPR address coordinator]
- HAM BBS 614-895-2553 (1200/2400/V.32/PEP) Voice: 614-895-2552 (eves/weekends)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 30 Dec 1993 15:50:44 GMT
- From: swrinde!emory!kd4nc!ke4zv!gary@network.ucsd.edu
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- References <CItEJv.EIr@news.iastate.edu>, <CItGpD.HEy@cbnewsj.cb.att.com>, <jfhCIttrM.4CM@netcom.com>
- Reply-To : gary@ke4zv.atl.ga.us (Gary Coffman)
- Subject : Re: cw waivers
- In article <jfhCIttrM.4CM@netcom.com> jfh@netcom.com (Jack Hamilton) writes:
- >
- >My understanding is that the international treaty specifies neither the
- >speed nor the method of testing. If the FCC wants to give us a printed
- >copy of a code sample to translate at our leisure, that's probably within
- >the letter of the law.
- Unfortunately no. The treaty language specifies "receive by ear" and
- "send by hand" texts in the International Code. There are no speed
- requirements though. The US is technically out of compliance already
- since we dropped the sending test. And accomodations for deaf or paralyzed
- applicants are also out of technical compliance with the treaty language.
- Gary
- --
- Gary Coffman KE4ZV | You make it, | gatech!wa4mei!ke4zv!gary
- Destructive Testing Systems | we break it. | uunet!rsiatl!ke4zv!gary
- 534 Shannon Way | Guaranteed! | emory!kd4nc!ke4zv!gary
- Lawrenceville, GA 30244 | |
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 30 Dec 1993 20:19:28 GMT
- From: qualcomm.com!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!math.ohio-state.edu!magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu!csn!server!georgen@network.ucsd.edu
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- References <wa2iseCItuL6.Iv7@netcom.com>, <1993Dec30.155838.21384@rchland.ibm.com>, <horak.757274780@convex.com>acs
- Subject : Re: Ramsey kits not too good?
- In article <horak.757274780@convex.com> horak@convex.com (David Horak) writes:
- >In <1993Dec30.155838.21384@rchland.ibm.com> xzs1947@rchland.vnet.ibm.com (Gilbert Baron) writes:
- >
- >>> I don't think I will get anymore Ramsey kits, performance and quality
- >>> to me isn't good enough. The TNC kit should be designed to work under
- >>> a wide variation of audio quality, not be excessively fussy.
- >
- >>It never cease to amaze me how Ramsey continues to thrive. I guess
- >>there are a lot of masochists. I have never seen a Ramsey kit that
- >>was worth 10% of its' price.
- >
- >I bought the speech scrambler/descrambler and had to change one part
- >value, add another part, drill two holes in the case and enlarge one
- >hole for the clarifier pot access. I also added a switch. Now, it
- >works. From my experience and from what I've heard, some of Ramsey's
- >kits are real junk.
- >
- It always amazes me when I hear stories like these. Look guys, you get
- what you pay for. Things that work correctly are usually assembled,
- tested and guaranteed by the manufacturer. These items, contrary to
- popular belief, cost money, and more than just parts cost.....
- SO: Stop your whining! or/
- Pay full for a real box.....
- :-) :-)
- de George, W1XE email georgen@redwood.stortek.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 30 Dec 1993 18:38:10 GMT
- From: galaxy.ucr.edu!library.ucla.edu!agate!howland.reston.ans.net!noc.near.net!gateway-gw!newshost!wpns@network.ucsd.edu
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- References <CIsrIL.Kz6@sugar.NeoSoft.COM>, <CIsypt.BJ0.2@cs.cmu.edu>, <CIt4z4.CA4@world.std.com>ear
- Subject : Re: Repeater database?
- dts@world.std.com (Daniel T Senie) writes:
- >The repeater directory does NOT list evrey frequency in use. Many frequencies
- >are used for other purposes than repeaters, yet are sensitive to interference.
- >When you pick a simplex frequency, please keep this in mind!
- Wait a minute! You're saying that the co-ordination data isn't
- readily available, but be careful about picking simplex frequencies?
- Should I check with my local co-ordination body each time I select a
- simplex frequency? Sure would drop the occupied bandwidth, last time
- I tried to contact the co-ordinators to figure out where to put a
- dedicated packet link they all gave me the NIMBY (Not In My Band ...)
- response. Of course, they took the better part of a year to even
- respond...
- --
- Willie Smith wpns@pictel.com N1JBJ@amsat.org
- She's writing a formal letter of complaint to the Internet Administration!
- ------------------------------
- End of Info-Hams Digest V93 #1524
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